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Watching of trademark registers
In a significant part of the world, registration authorities do not prevent others from registering trademarks that are confusingly similar to earlier registered marks. Such later registrations of similar marks create uncertainty as to the scope of protection of the earlier mark. If the situation continues for a long time, later registrations of similar marks might be difficult to challenge.
The watching of the trademark registers allows detecting trademark applications for similar marks that cover similar goods and services. Typically, the watching system is programmed to detect similar marks for similar goods and services in the countries where the client’s mark is registered.Watching of trademark registers as part of our protection services
After submitting a trademark application, we will begin to watch the trademark registers in the countries in which the mark is protected.
We use Corsearch Watch watching system for screening of relevant trademark registers. Our experts review the similar applications that have been found, report applications that should be addressed and make a recommendation on how to proceed. The client will then decide whether to take action against the similar trademark application. Typically, the process is started by contacting the counterparty and requesting that they voluntarily withdraw or limit the application so that it no longer overlaps with the client’s prior trademark registration.
Pricing examples
Watching of trademark registers in all countries where the client‘s mark is protectedWatching for the first year
Free of charge if the client's mark is in the care of Boco IP.
Annual fee after first year
660 € + VAT
Measures against similar trademark applications
We will charge for the actions against similar applications according to our hourly rate. We will provide a price estimate at request.
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