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Applying for and registering protection
Registering relevant domains is important so that customers can find you.
Marketing and selling through websites and the internet is central to many businesses. Registering relevant domains is important so that customers can find you. A domain is the address that is typed into a browser’s URL field. In our domain service, we review the required domains and see if they are freely registrable. We take care of the registration and maintenance of the desired domains. If your business operates in multiple countries, you’ll often want to use the same domain everywhere. In this case, it’s a good idea to reserve the most important generic and country-specific extensions at the same time as trademark protection. This will prevent hostilities from registering domain names in their own names. In some countries, identical trademark registration is required before a corresponding domain name can be reserved.The benefits of a domain
Timely registering domains is important in order not to end up in a situation where, for example, domains related to your company name or trademarks have already been taken. For this reason, we recommend that you investigate whether the necessary domain names are registrable and register the necessary domain names before filing trademark applications.Contact
The customer contacts Boco IP because they are considering acquiring a domain name.
Before registering domains
We review the available names in Finland and if needed also internationally. We report which domains are available for registration.
Domain registration
We take care of the registration of the desired domains.
Maintaining a domain
We will keep the desired domains valid for as long as the customer wishes.
Pricing examples
We offer domain registration in all domain systems. Below are examples of prices in the most popular systems. Prices include one year of domain registration and maintenance. Please note that the domain registration price is dependent on the domain system. In addition, certain countries require a domain name applicant to have a legal presence in that country or require other formalities for when registering domain names. We will charge you for such additional formalities at our hourly rate.Domain registration
.FI, .COM, .NET, .SE, .EE, .CN, ....
As of 130 €
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We provide our clients with comprehensive services where IPR is an integral part of a company’s strategy work and business.
Applying for and registering protection
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