Our solutions /
Portfolio management
Valuation of patents
The valuation of the patent portfolio gives visibility to the monetary value of the intangible assets owned by the company. Valuation is required, for example, in arrangements to purchase, sell, finance or license intellectual property rights.
- Assesses how necessary certain patents or patent applications are to the business.
- Depends on the size of the proposed business, the time span, the industry, the market area and the general patent situation in the industry.
- Supports the views of the parties when negotiating the transfer and licensing of IPR holdings.
- Provides a transparent model in which weights and initial assumptions can be viewed.
- Ensures that M&A and new business planning is based on a true understanding of the value of patents and patent applications.
Our commercialization services help our clients earn revenue from their own intellectual property portfolio. The service explores the commercial potential of the idea, identifies target markets and companies, and makes a plan for commercialization. Boco IP can also take responsibility for the protection of the invention, the registration of trademarks and the practical sales work in the international market.Contact
The customer will contact Boco IP regarding the valuation
Contacting will result in an assignment where the valuation process will begin.
The monetary value of the patent portfolio or part of it is assessed using systematic methods.
The results of the valuation and possible proposals for further action, such as commercialization, are reviewed with the customer.
Pricing examples
1-5 patent families, up-to-date competitor mapping available
9,000 €
1-5 patent families, no existing competitor mapping
13,250 €
Large patent portfolio
Agreed together to the desired extent.
Would you like to get a preliminary price estimate for a service that best meets your needs?
Our solutions
We provide our clients with comprehensive services where IPR is an integral part of a company’s strategy work and business.
Applying for and registering protection
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