Jutta Schauman

I assist with trademark and design matters and provide support to our IP lawyers within the IP Legal team. In addition to my role as an IP Specialist, I am responsible for developing and maintaining Boco’s docketing system. I have been working in the field of intellectual property since 2010 and have been a part of Boco since 2011.

Anita Lehtonen

I perform a wide range of administrative tasks in the office. I take care of the operation and procurement of the office, communication with various service providers and the organization of various events.

My task is to enable our experts to have a smooth and comfortable everyday life in many ways. In addition, I manage the purchase ledger and assist in financial administration. I am also involved in occupational safety and health and on the board of the personnel fund. I have been employed by Boco since 2017.

Laura Roselius

Hi, I’m an IP attorney and partner.

I handle trademark applications in Finland, in Europe as well as internationally. I also advise my clients on design rights worldwide.

In my work I develop and participate in the implementation of clients’ trademark protection strategies and also advise on matters related to portfolio management. I also consult clients in cases concerning infringement and counterfeiting. In addition, I also handle oppositions and cancellation procedures in Finland and abroad.

I assist clients in all types of negotiations and draft trademark and other IP-related agreements, such as licensing agreements. I also advise on domain name registration and infringement issues.

I am a professional representative authorized to represent clients before the European Union Industrial Property Office (EUIPO), an authorized trademark attorney registered in the Finnish national register and a licensed legal counsel authorized to represent clients in court in Finland.

I have been employed by Boco IP since 2000.

Thomas Carlsson

I have drafted and prosecuted patent applications in fields such as micro- and nanotechnology, semiconductors, photonics, measurement technology, medical devices, energy production, electrochemistry and the Internet of Things. I also enjoy the challenge of patenting simple devices for everyday use and doing freedom-to-operate studies and novelty searches for our clients. My book Good Patent Applications (Boco IP, 2021) discusses the building blocks of a valuable application. I’m currently working on a second book called Problem-Solution Arguments at the European Patent Office. I’ve been employed by Boco IP since 2016.

Anastasiia Kravtcova

I provide advisory services to clients regarding their inventions related to medical devices; microsystems, sensing and actuation technology; electronics; as well as diverse consumer products. My role involves assisting clients in the preparation and prosecution of patent applications at patent offices in Finland, Europe, and the USA. Additionally, I conduct novelty searches, freedom-to-operate studies, and technology analyses.

Prior to my career in IPR, I engaged in numerous research and development projects within various Finnish technology companies. I also pursued research at Aalto University, specializing in electronics and biomedical engineering.

I have been a part of Boco IP since 2021.

Marjukka Hausalo

I work at Boco as the Finance and HR Manager and am also a partner and a board member of Boco IP. I am responsible for the overall financial administration, including accounting, ledgers, payroll, payment transactions, and insurance. A significant part of my role also involves recruitment and handling HR matters, such as employee well-being and developing the work community. I have been part of Boco since 2006.

Sari Laine

I help with trademark and design matters and also assist our IP lawyers in the IP Legal team. I have been employed by Boco IP since 1995.

Paula Sarkki

I work as an IP Specialist at Boco IP. My duties include correspondence with clients, patent offices and foreign patent attorneys, monitoring deadlines and handling formalities during the patenting process. In addition, my responsibilities include developing and maintaining our docketing system especially the functions related to the patenting process. I have been working at Boco IP since 2002.

Tomi Salter

I have dealt extensively with the protection of various technical solutions, in particular I work with patent prosecution of various machines and equipment, as well as inventions related to control thereof. In addition, I provide reports related to patentability of inventions and freedom to operate, as well as infringement and invalidity. Personally, I find it imperative that the business aspects of inventions are also considered – I am also happy to help with creating and implementing IP strategies. I‘m a registered patent attorney in Finland and a qualified European patent attorney, and I’ve been working in the field of patents since 2010. I have been employed by Boco IP since 2015.

Merja Pynnönen

I work as an IP Specialist at Boco IP. I assist agents in all matters related to patenting process and handle communication with clients and authorities. I have been working in the patent industry since 1995 and been employed by Boco IP since 2015.