Suvi Haavisto

IP Lawyer

Hello! I am assisting clients in diverse legal issues relating to intellectual property rights. Trademarks and brand protection are close to my heart, and I am also happy to assist in matters relating to commercial agreements.

Prior to joining Boco IP, I worked as a senior legal counsel in a technology company. Before that, I have worked as an attorney-at-law focusing especially on trademark and copyright related matters.

In my freetime, I love to spend time with family and friends. You can see me at cafés, movie theatres, museums, or walking by the seaside in Helsinki.

I joined Boco IP in 2024.

M. Sc. in Economics and Business Administration (Hanken School of Economics), Master of Laws (University of Helsinki)
Finnish, English, Swedish
Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights (STY) Finnish IT Law Association PTMG (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group)